API design

logisland is a framework that you can extend through its API, you can use it to build your own Processors or to build data processing apps over it.

Java API

You can extend logisland with the Java low-level API as described below.

The primary material : Records

The basic unit of processing is the Record. A Record is a collection of Field, while a Field has a name, a type and a value.

You can instanciate a Record like in the following code snipet:

String id = "firewall_record1";
String type = "cisco";
Record record = new Record(type).setId(id);

assertEquals(record.size(), 0);

A record is defined by its type and a collection of fields. there are three special fields:

// shortcut for id
assertEquals(record.getId(), id);
assertEquals(record.getField(FieldDictionary.RECORD_ID).asString(), id);

// shortcut for time
assertEquals(record.getTime().getTime(), record.getField(FieldDictionary.RECORD_TIME).asLong().longValue());

// shortcut for type
assertEquals(record.getType(), type);
assertEquals(record.getType(), record.getField(FieldDictionary.RECORD_TYPE).asString());
assertEquals(record.getType(), record.getField(FieldDictionary.RECORD_TYPE).getRawValue());

And the other fields have generic setters, getters and removers

record.setStringField("url_host", "origin-www.20minutes.fr")
    .setField("method", FieldType.STRING, "GET")
    .setField("response_size", FieldType.INT, 452)
    .setField("is_outside_office_hours", FieldType.BOOLEAN, false)
    .setField("tags", FieldType.ARRAY, Arrays.asList("spam", "filter", "mail"));

assertEquals(record.getField("method").asString(), "GET");
assertTrue(record.getField("response_size").asInteger() - 452 == 0);

Fields are strongly typed, you can validate them

Record record = new StandardRecord();
record.setField("request_size", FieldType.INT, 1399);
record.setField("request_size", FieldType.INT, "zer");
record.setField("request_size", FieldType.INT, 45L);
record.setField("request_size", FieldType.LONG, 45L);
record.setField("request_size", FieldType.DOUBLE, 45.5d);
record.setField("request_size", FieldType.DOUBLE, 45.5);
record.setField("request_size", FieldType.DOUBLE, 45L);
record.setField("request_size", FieldType.FLOAT, 45.5f);
record.setField("request_size", FieldType.STRING, 45L);
record.setField("request_size", FieldType.FLOAT, 45.5d);

The tools to handle processing : Processor

logisland is designed as a component centric framework, so there’s a layer of abstraction to build configurable components. Basically a component can be Configurable and Configured.

The most common component you’ll use is the Processor

Let’s explain the code of a basic MockProcessor, that doesn’t acheive a really useful work but which is really self-explanatory we first need to extend AbstractProcessor class (or to implement Processor interface).

public class MockProcessor extends AbstractProcessor {

    private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MockProcessor.class);
    private static String EVENT_TYPE_NAME = "mock";

Then we have to define a list of supported PropertyDescriptor. All theses properties and validation stuff are handled by Configurable interface.

public static final PropertyDescriptor FAKE_MESSAGE
    = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder()
        .description("a fake message")

public final List<PropertyDescriptor> getSupportedPropertyDescriptors() {
    final List<PropertyDescriptor> descriptors = new ArrayList<>();

    return Collections.unmodifiableList(descriptors);

then comes the initialization bloc of the component given a ComponentContext (more on this later)

public void init(final ProcessContext context) {
    logger.info("init MockProcessor");

And now the real business part with the process method which handles all the work on the record’s collection.

public Collection<Record> process(final ProcessContext context, final Collection<Record> collection) {

    final String message = context.getPropertyValue(FAKE_MESSAGE).asString();
    final List<Record> outputRecords = new ArrayList<>(collection);
    outputRecords.forEach(record -> record.setStringField("message", message));

    return outputRecords;

The Processor can then be configured through yaml config files

- processor: mock_processor
  component: com.hurence.logisland.util.runner.MockProcessor
  type: parser
  documentation: a parser that produce events for nothing
     fake.message: the super message

Transverse service injection : ControllerService

we often need to share access to external Services across the Processors, for example bulk buffers or client connections to external data sources.

For example a cache service that could cache K/V tuple across the worker node. We need to provide an interface API for this service :

public interface CacheService<K,V> extends ControllerService {

    PropertyDescriptor CACHE_SIZE = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder()
            .description("The maximum number of element in the cache.")

    public V get(K k);

    public void set(K k, V v);

And an implementation of the cache contract :

public class LRUKeyValueCacheService<K,V>  extends AbstractControllerService implements CacheService<K,V> {

    private volatile Cache<K,V> cache;

    public V get(K k) {
        return cache.get(k);

    public void set(K k, V v) {
        cache.set(k, v);

    public void init(ControllerServiceInitializationContext context) throws InitializationException {
        try {
            this.cache = createCache(context);
        }catch (Exception e){
            throw new InitializationException(e);

    public List<PropertyDescriptor> getSupportedPropertyDescriptors() {
        List<PropertyDescriptor> props = new ArrayList<>();
        return Collections.unmodifiableList(props);

    protected Cache<K,V> createCache(final ControllerServiceInitializationContext context) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        final int capacity = context.getPropertyValue(CACHE_SIZE).asInteger();
        return new LRUCache<K,V>(capacity);

You can then use this service in a custom processor :

public class TestProcessor extends AbstractProcessor {

    static final PropertyDescriptor CACHE_SERVICE = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder()

    public boolean hasControllerService() {
        return true;

    public List<PropertyDescriptor> getSupportedPropertyDescriptors() {
        List<PropertyDescriptor> propDescs = new ArrayList<>();
        return propDescs;

    public Collection<Record> process(ProcessContext context, Collection<Record> records) {
        return Collections.emptyList();

The injection is done through yaml config files by injecting the instance of lru_cache Service.



  - controllerService: lru_cache
    component: com.hurence.logisland.service.elasticsearch.LRUKeyValueCacheService
    type: service
    documentation: cache service
      cache.size: 5000

  - stream: parsing_stream
    component: com.hurence.logisland.stream.spark.KafkaRecordStreamParallelProcessing



      - processor: mock_processor
        component: com.hurence.logisland.processor.TestProcessor
        type: parser
        documentation: a parser that produce events for nothing
           cache.service: lru_cache

Chaining processors in a stream : RecordStream



Running the processor’s flow : Engine



Testing your processors : TestRunner

When you have coded your processor, pretty sure you want to test it with unit test. The framework provides you with the TestRunner tool for that. All you need is to instantiate a Testrunner with your Processor and its properties.

final String APACHE_LOG_SCHEMA = "/schemas/apache_log.avsc";
final String APACHE_LOG = "/data/localhost_access.log";
final String APACHE_LOG_FIELDS =
final String APACHE_LOG_REGEX =

final TestRunner testRunner = TestRunners.newTestRunner(new SplitText());
testRunner.setProperty(SplitText.VALUE_REGEX, APACHE_LOG_REGEX);
testRunner.setProperty(SplitText.VALUE_FIELDS, APACHE_LOG_FIELDS);

// check if config is valid

Now enqueue some messages as if they were sent to input Kafka topics


Now run the process method and check that every Record has been correctly processed.


You can validate that all output records are validated against an avro schema

final RecordValidator avroValidator = new AvroRecordValidator(SplitTextTest.class.getResourceAsStream

And check if your output records behave as expected.

MockRecord out = testRunner.getOutputRecords().get(0);
out.assertFieldEquals("src_ip", "");
out.assertFieldEquals(FieldDictionary.RECORD_TYPE, "apache_log");
out.assertFieldEquals(FieldDictionary.RECORD_TIME, 1469342728000L);