Index Apache logs Enrichment

In the following tutorial we’ll drive you through the process of enriching Apache logs with LogIsland platform.

One of the first step when treating web access logs is to extract information from the User-Agent header string, in order to be able to classify traffic. The User-Agent string is part of the access logs from the web server (this is the last field in the example below).

That string is packed with information from the visitor, when you know how to interpret it. However, the User-Agent string is not based on any standard, and it is not trivial to extract meaningful information from it. LogIsland provides a processor, based on the YAUAA library, that simplifies that treatement.

We will reuse the Docker container hosting all the LogIsland services from the previous tutorial, and add the User-Agent processor to the stream.


You can download the latest release of logisland and the YAML configuration file for this tutorial which can be also found under $LOGISLAND_HOME/conf directory.

1. Start LogIsland as a Docker container

LogIsland is packaged as a Docker container that you can build yourself or pull from Docker Hub.

You can find the steps to start the Docker image and start the LogIsland server in the previous tutorial. However, you’ll start the server with a different configuration file (that already includes the User-Agent processor)

Stream 1 : modify the stream to analyze the User-Agent string


You can either apply the modifications from this section to the file conf/index-apache-logs.yml ot directly use the file conf/user-agent-logs.yml that already includes them.

The stream needs to be modified to

* modify the regex to add the referer and the User-Agent strings for the SplitText processor
* modify the Avro schema to include the new fields returned by the UserAgentProcessor
* include the the processing of the User-Agent string after the parsing of the logs

The example below shows how to include all of the fields supported by the processor.


It is possible to remove unwanted fields from both the processor configuration and the Avro schema

# parsing
- stream: parsing_stream
  type: stream
  documentation: a processor that links
    kafka.input.topics: logisland_raw
    kafka.output.topics: logisland_events
    kafka.error.topics: logisland_errors
    kafka.input.topics.serializer: none
    kafka.output.topics.serializer: com.hurence.logisland.serializer.KryoSerializer
    kafka.error.topics.serializer: com.hurence.logisland.serializer.JsonSerializer
    avro.output.schema: >
      {  "version":1,
         "type": "record",
         "name": "com.hurence.logisland.record.apache_log",
         "fields": [
           { "name": "record_errors",   "type": [ {"type": "array", "items": "string"},"null"] },
           { "name": "record_raw_key", "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "record_raw_value", "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "record_id",   "type": ["string"] },
           { "name": "record_time", "type": ["long"] },
           { "name": "record_type", "type": ["string"] },
           { "name": "src_ip",      "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "http_method", "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "bytes_out",   "type": ["long","null"] },
           { "name": "http_query",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "http_version","type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "http_status", "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "identd",      "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "user",        "type": ["string","null"] } ,
           { "name": "http_user_agent",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "http_referer",     "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "DeviceClass",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "DeviceName",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "DeviceBrand",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "DeviceCpu",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "DeviceFirmwareVersion",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "DeviceVersion",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "OperatingSystemClass",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "OperatingSystemName",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "OperatingSystemVersion",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "OperatingSystemNameVersion",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "OperatingSystemVersionBuild",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "LayoutEngineClass",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "LayoutEngineName",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "LayoutEngineVersion",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "LayoutEngineVersionMajor",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "LayoutEngineNameVersion",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "LayoutEngineNameVersionMajor",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "LayoutEngineBuild",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "AgentClass",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "AgentName",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "AgentVersion",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "AgentVersionMajor",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "AgentNameVersion",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "AgentNameVersionMajor",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "AgentBuild",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "AgentLanguage",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "AgentLanguageCode",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "AgentInformationEmail",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "AgentInformationUrl",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "AgentSecurity",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "AgentUuid",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "FacebookCarrier",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "FacebookDeviceClass",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "FacebookDeviceName",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "FacebookDeviceVersion",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "FacebookFBOP",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "FacebookFBSS",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "FacebookOperatingSystemName",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "FacebookOperatingSystemVersion",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "Anonymized",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "HackerAttackVector",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "HackerToolkit",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "KoboAffiliate",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "KoboPlatformId",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "IECompatibilityVersion",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "IECompatibilityVersionMajor",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "IECompatibilityNameVersion",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "IECompatibilityNameVersionMajor",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "Carrier",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "GSAInstallationID",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "WebviewAppName",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "WebviewAppNameVersionMajor",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "WebviewAppVersion",  "type": ["string","null"] },
           { "name": "WebviewAppVersionMajor",  "type": ["string","null"]} ]} sandbox:9092
    kafka.zookeeper.quorum: sandbox:2181
    kafka.topic.autoCreate: true
    kafka.topic.default.partitions: 4
    kafka.topic.default.replicationFactor: 1

    # parse apache logs
    - processor: apache_parser
      component: com.hurence.logisland.processor.SplitText
      type: parser
      documentation: a parser that produce events from an apache log REGEX
        record.type: apache_log
        # Previous regex
        #value.regex: (\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+\[([\w:\/]+\s[+\-]\d{4})\]\s+"(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*(\S*)"\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)
        #value.fields: src_ip,identd,user,record_time,http_method,http_query,http_version,http_status,bytes_out
        # Updated regex
        value.regex: (\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+\[([\w:\/]+\s[+\-]\d{4})\]\s+"(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*(\S*)"\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+"(\S+)"\s+"([^\"]+)"
        value.fields: src_ip,identd,user,record_time,http_method,http_query,http_version,http_status,bytes_out,http_referer,http_user_agent

    - processor: user_agent_analyzer
      component: com.hurence.logisland.processor.useragent.ParseUserAgent
      type: processor
      documentation: decompose the user_agent field into meaningful attributes
        useragent.field: http_user_agent
        fields: DeviceClass,DeviceName,DeviceBrand,DeviceCpu,DeviceFirmwareVersion,DeviceVersion,OperatingSystemClass,OperatingSystemName,OperatingSystemVersion,OperatingSystemNameVersion,OperatingSystemVersionBuild,LayoutEngineClass,LayoutEngineName,LayoutEngineVersion,LayoutEngineVersionMajor,LayoutEngineNameVersion,LayoutEngineNameVersionMajor,LayoutEngineBuild,AgentClass,AgentName,AgentVersion,AgentVersionMajor,AgentNameVersion,AgentNameVersionMajor,AgentBuild,AgentLanguage,AgentLanguageCode,AgentInformationEmail,AgentInformationUrl,AgentSecurity,AgentUuid,FacebookCarrier,FacebookDeviceClass,FacebookDeviceName,FacebookDeviceVersion,FacebookFBOP,FacebookFBSS,FacebookOperatingSystemName,FacebookOperatingSystemVersion,Anonymized,HackerAttackVector,HackerToolkit,KoboAffiliate,KoboPlatformId,IECompatibilityVersion,IECompatibilityVersionMajor,IECompatibilityNameVersion,IECompatibilityNameVersionMajor,GSAInstallationID,WebviewAppName,WebviewAppNameVersionMajor,WebviewAppVersion,WebviewAppVersionMajor

Once the configuration file is updated, LogIsland must be restarted with that new configuration file.

bin/ --conf <new_configuration_file>

2. Inject some Apache logs into the system

Now we’re going to send some logs to logisland_raw Kafka topic.

We could setup a logstash or flume agent to load some apache logs into a kafka topic but there’s a super useful tool in the Kafka ecosystem : kafkacat, a generic command line non-JVM Apache Kafka producer and consumer which can be easily installed (and is already present in the docker image).

If you don’t have your own httpd logs available, you can use some freely available log files from Elastic web site

Let’s send the first 500000 lines of access log to LogIsland with kafkacat to logisland_raw Kafka topic

docker exec -ti logisland bash
cd /tmp
head -500000 apache_logs | kafkacat -b sandbox:9092 -t logisland_raw

3. Monitor your spark jobs and Kafka topics

Now go to http://sandbox:4050/streaming/ to see how fast Spark can process your data


Another tool can help you to tweak and monitor your processing http://sandbox:9000/


4. Use Kibana to inspect the logs

You’ve completed the enrichment of your logs using the User-Agent processor. The logs are now loaded into elasticSearch, in the following form :

curl -XGET http://localhost:9200/logisland.*/_search?pretty

    "_index": "logisland.2017.03.21",
    "_type": "apache_log",
    "_id": "4ca6a8b5-1a60-421e-9ae9-6c30330e497e",
    "_score": 1.0,
    "_source": {
        "@timestamp": "2015-05-17T10:05:43Z",
        "agentbuild": "Unknown",
        "agentclass": "Browser",
        "agentinformationemail": "Unknown",
        "agentinformationurl": "Unknown",
        "agentlanguage": "Unknown",
        "agentlanguagecode": "Unknown",
        "agentname": "Chrome",
        "agentnameversion": "Chrome 32.0.1700.77",
        "agentnameversionmajor": "Chrome 32",
        "agentsecurity": "Unknown",
        "agentuuid": "Unknown",
        "agentversion": "32.0.1700.77",
        "agentversionmajor": "32",
        "anonymized": "Unknown",
        "devicebrand": "Apple",
        "deviceclass": "Desktop",
        "devicecpu": "Intel",
        "devicefirmwareversion": "Unknown",
        "devicename": "Apple Macintosh",
        "deviceversion": "Unknown",
        "facebookcarrier": "Unknown",
        "facebookdeviceclass": "Unknown",
        "facebookdevicename": "Unknown",
        "facebookdeviceversion": "Unknown",
        "facebookfbop": "Unknown",
        "facebookfbss": "Unknown",
        "facebookoperatingsystemname": "Unknown",
        "facebookoperatingsystemversion": "Unknown",
        "gsainstallationid": "Unknown",
        "hackerattackvector": "Unknown",
        "hackertoolkit": "Unknown",
        "iecompatibilitynameversion": "Unknown",
        "iecompatibilitynameversionmajor": "Unknown",
        "iecompatibilityversion": "Unknown",
        "iecompatibilityversionmajor": "Unknown",
        "koboaffiliate": "Unknown",
        "koboplatformid": "Unknown",
        "layoutenginebuild": "Unknown",
        "layoutengineclass": "Browser",
        "layoutenginename": "Blink",
        "layoutenginenameversion": "Blink 32.0",
        "layoutenginenameversionmajor": "Blink 32",
        "layoutengineversion": "32.0",
        "layoutengineversionmajor": "32",
        "operatingsystemclass": "Desktop",
        "operatingsystemname": "Mac OS X",
        "operatingsystemnameversion": "Mac OS X 10.9.1",
        "operatingsystemversion": "10.9.1",
        "operatingsystemversionbuild": "Unknown",
        "webviewappname": "Unknown",
        "webviewappnameversionmajor": "Unknown",
        "webviewappversion": "Unknown",
        "webviewappversionmajor": "Unknown",
        "bytes_out": 171717,
        "http_method": "GET",
        "http_query": "/presentations/logstash-monitorama-2013/images/kibana-dashboard3.png",
        "http_referer": "",
        "http_status": "200",
        "http_user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1700.77 Safari/537.36",
        "http_version": "HTTP/1.1",
        "identd": "-",
        "record_id": "4ca6a8b5-1a60-421e-9ae9-6c30330e497e",
        "record_raw_value": " - - [17/May/2015:10:05:43 +0000] \"GET /presentations/logstash-monitorama-2013/images/kibana-dashboard3.png HTTP/1.1\" 200 171717 \"\" \"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1700.77 Safari/537.36\"",
        "record_time": 1431857143000,
        "record_type": "apache_log",
        "src_ip": "",
        "user": "-"

You can now browse your data in Kibana and build great dashboards