
Find below the list.


Add one or more field to records






record, fields, Add


In the list below, the names of required properties appear in bold. Any other properties (not in bold) are considered optional. The table also indicates any default values.

Name Description Allowable Values Default Value Sensitive EL
conflict.resolution.policy What to do when a field with the same name already exists ? overwrite_existing (if field already exist), keep_only_old_field (keep only old field) keep_only_old_field false false

Dynamic Properties

Dynamic Properties allow the user to specify both the name and value of a property.

Name Value Description Allowable Values Default Value EL
Name of the field to add Value of the field to add Add a field to the record with the specified value. Expression language can be used.You can not add a field that end with ‘.type’ as this suffix is used to specify the type of fields to add   null true
Name of the field to add with the suffix ‘.field.type’ Type of the field to add Add a field to the record with the specified type. These properties are only used if a correspondant property without the suffix ‘.field.type’ is already defined. If this property is not defined, default type for adding fields is String.You can only use Logisland predefined type fields. NULL, STRING, INT, LONG, ARRAY, FLOAT, DOUBLE, BYTES, RECORD, MAP, ENUM, BOOLEAN, UNION, DATETIME STRING false
Name of the field to add with the suffix ‘’ Name of the field to add using expression language Add a field to the record with the specified name (which is evaluated using expression language). These properties are only used if a correspondant property without the suffix ‘’ is already defined. If this property is not defined, the name of the field to add is the key of the first dynamic property (which is the main and only required dynamic property).   null true

Extra informations

Add one or more field with constant value or dynamic value using the expression-language.Some examples of settings:

newStringField: bonjour
newIntField: 14
newIntField.field.type: INT

Would add those fields in record :

Field{name='newStringField', type='STRING', value='bonjour'}
Field{name='newIntField', type='INT', value=14}

Here a second example using expression language, once for the value, once for the key. Note that you can use for both.We suppose that our record got already those fields :

Field{name='field1', type='STRING', value='bonjour'}
Field{name='field2', type='INT', value=14}

This settings : .. code:

newStringField: ${field1 + "-" + field2}
fieldToCalulateKey: 555 ${"_" + field1 + "-"}

Would add those fields in record :

Field{name='newStringField', type='STRING', value='bonjour-14'}
Field{name='_bonjour-', type='STRING', value='555'}

As you probably notice, you can not add fields with name ending by either ‘’ either ‘.field.type’ because they are suffix are used to sort dynamic properties. But if you really want to do this a workaround is to specify the name of the field oui expression language, for example this settings would work:

fieldWithReservedSuffix: bonjour
fieldWithReservedSuffix.field.type: INT
fieldWithReservedSuffix.field.type: myfield.endind.with.reserved.suffix.field.type


This processor is used to create a new set of fields from one field (using regexp).






parser, regex, log, record


In the list below, the names of required properties appear in bold. Any other properties (not in bold) are considered optional. The table also indicates any default values.

Name Description Allowable Values Default Value Sensitive EL
conflict.resolution.policy What to do when a field with the same name already exists ? overwrite_existing (if field already exist), keep_only_old_field (keep only old field) keep_only_old_field false false

Dynamic Properties

Dynamic Properties allow the user to specify both the name and value of a property.

Name Value Description Allowable Values Default Value EL
alternative regex & mapping another regex that could match This processor is used to create a new set of fields from one field (using regexp).   null true

Extra informations

This processor is used to create a new set of fields from one field (using regexp).


Indexes the content of a Record in a Datastore using bulk processor






datastore, record, put, bulk


In the list below, the names of required properties appear in bold. Any other properties (not in bold) are considered optional. The table also indicates any default values, and whether a property supports the Expression Language .

Name Description Allowable Values Default Value Sensitive EL
datastore.client.service The instance of the Controller Service to use for accessing datastore.   null false false
default.collection The name of the collection/index/table to insert into   null false true
timebased.collection do we add a date suffix no (no date added to default index), today (today’s date added to default index), yesterday (yesterday’s date added to default index) no false false
date.format simple date format for date suffix. default : yyyy.MM.dd   yyyy.MM.dd false false
collection.field the name of the event field containing es index name => will override index value if set   null false true

Extra informations

Indexes the content of a Record in a Datastore using bulk processor.


Add one or more records representing alerts. Using a datastore.






record, alerting, thresholds, opc, tag


In the list below, the names of required properties appear in bold. Any other properties (not in bold) are considered optional. The table also indicates any default values.

Name Description Allowable Values Default Value Sensitive EL
max.cpu.time maximum CPU time in milliseconds allowed for script execution.   100 false false
max.memory maximum memory in Bytes which JS executor thread can allocate   51200 false false

Force, to check if all blocks are enclosed with curly braces “”{}”“.

Explanation: all loops (for, do-while, while, and if-else, and functions should use braces, because poison_pill() function will be inserted after each open brace ""{"", to ensure interruption checking. Otherwise simple code like:

  while(true) while(true) {

    // do nothing


or even:


cause unbreakable loop, which force this sandbox to use {@link Thread#stop()} which make JVM unstable.

Properly writen code (even in bad intention) like:

  while(true) { while(true) {

    // do nothing


will be changed into:

  while(true) {poison_pill();

    while(true) {poison_pill();

      // do nothing



which finish nicely when interrupted.

For legacy code, this check can be turned off, but with no guarantee, the JS thread will gracefully finish when interrupted.

  false false false

The size of prepared statements LRU cache. If 0, this is disabled.

Each statements when setMaxCPUTime(long) is set is prepared to quit itself when time exceeded. To execute only once this procedure per statement set this value.

When setMaxCPUTime(long) is set 0, this value is ignored.

  30 false false
datastore.client.service The instance of the Controller Service to use for accessing datastore.   null false false
datastore.cache.collection The collection where to find cached objects   test false false
js.cache.service The cache service to be used to store already sanitized JS expressions. If not specified a in-memory unlimited hash map will be used.   null false false
output.record.type the type of the output record   event false false
profile.activation.condition A javascript expression that activates this alerting profile when true   0==0 false false
alert.criticity from 0 to …   0 false false

Dynamic Properties

Dynamic Properties allow the user to specify both the name and value of a property.

Name Value Description Allowable Values Default Value EL
field to add a default value Add a field to the record with the default value   null false

Extra informations

Add one or more records representing alerts. Using a datastore.


Compute threshold cross from given formulas.

  • each dynamic property will return a new record according to the formula definition
  • the record name will be set to the property name
  • the record time will be set to the current timestamp






record, threshold, tag, alerting


In the list below, the names of required properties appear in bold. Any other properties (not in bold) are considered optional. The table also indicates any default values.

Name Description Allowable Values Default Value Sensitive EL
max.cpu.time maximum CPU time in milliseconds allowed for script execution.   100 false false
max.memory maximum memory in Bytes which JS executor thread can allocate   51200 false false

Force, to check if all blocks are enclosed with curly braces “”{}”“.

Explanation: all loops (for, do-while, while, and if-else, and functions should use braces, because poison_pill() function will be inserted after each open brace ""{"", to ensure interruption checking. Otherwise simple code like:

  while(true) while(true) {

    // do nothing


or even:


cause unbreakable loop, which force this sandbox to use {@link Thread#stop()} which make JVM unstable.

Properly writen code (even in bad intention) like:

  while(true) { while(true) {

    // do nothing


will be changed into:

  while(true) {poison_pill();

    while(true) {poison_pill();

      // do nothing



which finish nicely when interrupted.

For legacy code, this check can be turned off, but with no guarantee, the JS thread will gracefully finish when interrupted.

  false false false

The size of prepared statements LRU cache. If 0, this is disabled.

Each statements when setMaxCPUTime(long) is set is prepared to quit itself when time exceeded. To execute only once this procedure per statement set this value.

When setMaxCPUTime(long) is set 0, this value is ignored.

  30 false false
datastore.client.service The instance of the Controller Service to use for accessing datastore.   null false false
datastore.cache.collection The collection where to find cached objects   test false false
js.cache.service The cache service to be used to store already sanitized JS expressions. If not specified a in-memory unlimited hash map will be used.   null false false
output.record.type the type of the output record   event false false
record.ttl How long (in ms) do the record will remain in cache   30000 false false The minimum amount of time (in ms) that we expect between two consecutive update of the same threshold record   200 false false

Dynamic Properties

Dynamic Properties allow the user to specify both the name and value of a property.

Name Value Description Allowable Values Default Value EL
field to add a default value Add a field to the record with the default value   null false

Extra informations

Compute threshold cross from given formulas.

  • each dynamic property will return a new record according to the formula definition
  • the record name will be set to the property name
  • the record time will be set to the current timestamp


Compute tag cross from given formulas.

  • each dynamic property will return a new record according to the formula definition
  • the record name will be set to the property name
  • the record time will be set to the current timestamp

a threshold_cross has the following properties : count, sum, avg, time, duration, value






record, fields, Add


In the list below, the names of required properties appear in bold. Any other properties (not in bold) are considered optional. The table also indicates any default values.

Name Description Allowable Values Default Value Sensitive EL
max.cpu.time maximum CPU time in milliseconds allowed for script execution.   100 false false
max.memory maximum memory in Bytes which JS executor thread can allocate   51200 false false

Force, to check if all blocks are enclosed with curly braces “”{}”“.

Explanation: all loops (for, do-while, while, and if-else, and functions should use braces, because poison_pill() function will be inserted after each open brace ""{"", to ensure interruption checking. Otherwise simple code like:

  while(true) while(true) {

    // do nothing


or even:


cause unbreakable loop, which force this sandbox to use {@link Thread#stop()} which make JVM unstable.

Properly writen code (even in bad intention) like:

  while(true) { while(true) {

    // do nothing


will be changed into:

  while(true) {poison_pill();

    while(true) {poison_pill();

      // do nothing



which finish nicely when interrupted.

For legacy code, this check can be turned off, but with no guarantee, the JS thread will gracefully finish when interrupted.

  false false false

The size of prepared statements LRU cache. If 0, this is disabled.

Each statements when setMaxCPUTime(long) is set is prepared to quit itself when time exceeded. To execute only once this procedure per statement set this value.

When setMaxCPUTime(long) is set 0, this value is ignored.

  30 false false
datastore.client.service The instance of the Controller Service to use for accessing datastore.   null false false
datastore.cache.collection The collection where to find cached objects   test false false
js.cache.service The cache service to be used to store already sanitized JS expressions. If not specified a in-memory unlimited hash map will be used.   null false false
output.record.type the type of the output record   event false false

Dynamic Properties

Dynamic Properties allow the user to specify both the name and value of a property.

Name Value Description Allowable Values Default Value EL
field to add a default value Add a field to the record with the default value   null false

Extra informations

Compute tag cross from given formulas.

  • each dynamic property will return a new record according to the formula definition
  • the record name will be set to the property name
  • the record time will be set to the current timestamp

a threshold_cross has the following properties : count, sum, avg, time, duration, value


Converts a field value into the given type. does nothing if conversion is not possible






type, fields, update, convert


This component has no required or optional properties.

Dynamic Properties

Dynamic Properties allow the user to specify both the name and value of a property.

Name Value Description Allowable Values Default Value EL
field the new type convert field value into new type   null true

Extra informations

Converts a field value into the given type. does nothing if conversion is not possible.


Convert one or more field representing a date into a Unix Epoch Time (time in milliseconds since &st January 1970, 00:00:00 GMT)…






record, fields, Add


In the list below, the names of required properties appear in bold. Any other properties (not in bold) are considered optional. The table also indicates any default values.

Name Description Allowable Values Default Value Sensitive EL
conflict.resolution.policy What to do when a field with the same name already exists ? overwrite_existing (if field already exist), keep_only_old_field (keep only old field) keep_only_old_field false false Simple date format representation of the input field to convert   null false false
timezone Specify the timezone (default is CET)   CET false false

Dynamic Properties

Dynamic Properties allow the user to specify both the name and value of a property.

Name Value Description Allowable Values Default Value EL
field name to add value to convert into Epoch timestamp using given Add a field to the record with the name, converting value using java SimpleDateFormat   null true

Extra informations

Convert one or more field representing a date into a Unix Epoch Time (time in milliseconds since &st January 1970, 00:00:00 GMT)…


This is a processor that logs incoming records






record, debug


In the list below, the names of required properties appear in bold. Any other properties (not in bold) are considered optional. The table also indicates any default values.

Name Description Allowable Values Default Value Sensitive EL
event.serializer the way to serialize event json (serialize events as json blocs), string (serialize events as toString() blocs) json false false

Extra informations

This is a processor that logs incoming records.


Enrich input records with content indexed in datastore using multiget queries. Each incoming record must be possibly enriched with information stored in datastore. The plugin properties are :

  • es.index (String) : Name of the datastore index on which the multiget query will be performed. This field is mandatory and should not be empty, otherwise an error output record is sent for this specific incoming record.
  • record.key (String) : Name of the field in the input record containing the id to lookup document in elastic search. This field is mandatory.
  • es.key (String) : Name of the datastore key on which the multiget query will be performed. This field is mandatory.
  • includes (ArrayList<String>) : List of patterns to filter in (include) fields to retrieve. Supports wildcards. This field is not mandatory.
  • excludes (ArrayList<String>) : List of patterns to filter out (exclude) fields to retrieve. Supports wildcards. This field is not mandatory.

Each outcoming record holds at least the input record plus potentially one or more fields coming from of one datastore document.






datastore, enricher


In the list below, the names of required properties appear in bold. Any other properties (not in bold) are considered optional. The table also indicates any default values, and whether a property supports the Expression Language .

Name Description Allowable Values Default Value Sensitive EL
datastore.client.service The instance of the Controller Service to use for accessing datastore.   null false false
record.key The name of field in the input record containing the document id to use in ES multiget query   null false true
includes.field The name of the ES fields to include in the record.  
false true
excludes.field The name of the ES fields to exclude.   N/A false false The typle of record to look for   null false true The name of the collection to look for   null false true

Extra informations

Enrich input records with content indexed in datastore using multiget queries. Each incoming record must be possibly enriched with information stored in datastore. The plugin properties are :

  • es.index (String) : Name of the datastore index on which the multiget query will be performed. This field is mandatory and should not be empty, otherwise an error output record is sent for this specific incoming record.
  • record.key (String) : Name of the field in the input record containing the id to lookup document in elastic search. This field is mandatory.
  • es.key (String) : Name of the datastore key on which the multiget query will be performed. This field is mandatory.
  • includes (ArrayList<String>) : List of patterns to filter in (include) fields to retrieve. Supports wildcards. This field is not mandatory.
  • excludes (ArrayList<String>) : List of patterns to filter out (exclude) fields to retrieve. Supports wildcards. This field is not mandatory.

Each outcoming record holds at least the input record plus potentially one or more fields coming from of one datastore document.


Evaluates one or more JsonPath expressions against the content of a FlowFile. The results of those expressions are assigned to Records Fields depending on configuration of the Processor. JsonPaths are entered by adding user-defined properties; the name of the property maps to the Field Name into which the result will be placed. The value of the property must be a valid JsonPath expression. A Return Type of ‘auto-detect’ will make a determination based off the configured destination. If the JsonPath evaluates to a JSON array or JSON object and the Return Type is set to ‘scalar’ the Record will be routed to error. A Return Type of JSON can return scalar values if the provided JsonPath evaluates to the specified value. If the expression matches nothing, Fields will be created with empty strings as the value






JSON, evaluate, JsonPath


In the list below, the names of required properties appear in bold. Any other properties (not in bold) are considered optional. The table also indicates any default values.

Name Description Allowable Values Default Value Sensitive EL
return.type Indicates the desired return type of the JSON Path expressions. Selecting ‘auto-detect’ will set the return type to ‘json’ or ‘scalar’ json, scalar scalar false false
path.not.found.behavior Indicates how to handle missing JSON path expressions. Selecting ‘warn’ will generate a warning when a JSON path expression is not found. warn, ignore ignore false false
Null Value Representation Indicates the desired representation of JSON Path expressions resulting in a null value. empty string, the string ‘null’ empty string false false the name of the field containing the json string   record_value false false

Dynamic Properties

Dynamic Properties allow the user to specify both the name and value of a property.

Name Value Description Allowable Values Default Value EL
A Record field A JsonPath expression will be set to any JSON objects that match the JsonPath.   null false

Extra informations

Evaluates one or more JsonPath expressions against the content of a FlowFile. The results of those expressions are assigned to Records Fields depending on configuration of the Processor. JsonPaths are entered by adding user-defined properties; the name of the property maps to the Field Name into which the result will be placed. The value of the property must be a valid JsonPath expression. A Return Type of ‘auto-detect’ will make a determination based off the configured destination. If the JsonPath evaluates to a JSON array or JSON object and the Return Type is set to ‘scalar’ the Record will be routed to error. A Return Type of JSON can return scalar values if the provided JsonPath evaluates to the specified value. If the expression matches nothing, Fields will be created with empty strings as the value.


Expands the content of a MAP field to the root.






record, fields, Expand, Map


In the list below, the names of required properties appear in bold. Any other properties (not in bold) are considered optional. The table also indicates any default values.

Name Description Allowable Values Default Value Sensitive EL Comma separated list of fields of type map that will be expanded to the root   null false false
conflict.resolution.policy What to do when a field with the same name already exists ? overwrite_existing (if field already exist), keep_only_old_field (keep only old field) keep_only_old_field false false

Extra informations

Expands the content of a MAP field to the root.


Keep only records based on a given field value






record, fields, remove, delete


In the list below, the names of required properties appear in bold. Any other properties (not in bold) are considered optional. The table also indicates any default values.

Name Description Allowable Values Default Value Sensitive EL the field name   record_id false false
field.value the field value to keep   null false false

Extra informations

Keep only records based on a given field value.


Converts each field records into a single flatten record…






record, fields, flatmap, flatten


In the list below, the names of required properties appear in bold. Any other properties (not in bold) are considered optional. The table also indicates any default values.

Name Description Allowable Values Default Value Sensitive EL
keep.root.record do we add the original record in   true false false
copy.root.record.fields do we copy the original record fields into the flattened records   true false false
leaf.record.type the new type for the flattened records if present     false false
concat.fields comma separated list of fields to apply concatenation ex : $rootField/$leaffield   null false false
concat.separator returns $rootField/$leaf/field   / false false
include.position do we add the original record position in   true false false

Extra informations

Converts each field records into a single flatten record…


This is a processor that make random records given an Avro schema






record, avro, generator


In the list below, the names of required properties appear in bold. Any other properties (not in bold) are considered optional. The table also indicates any default values.

Name Description Allowable Values Default Value Sensitive EL
avro.output.schema the avro schema definition for the output serialization   null false false the minimum number of generated events each run   10 false false the maximum number of generated events each run   200 false false

Extra informations

This is a processor that make random records given an Avro schema.


modify id of records or generate it following defined rules






record, id, idempotent, generate, modify


In the list below, the names of required properties appear in bold. Any other properties (not in bold) are considered optional. The table also indicates any default values.

Name Description Allowable Values Default Value Sensitive EL
id.generation.strategy the strategy to generate new Id randomUuid (generate a randomUid using java library), hashFields (generate a hash from fields), fromFields (generate a string from java pattern and fields), typetimehash (generate a concatenation of type, time and a hash from fields (as for generate_hash strategy)) randomUuid false false the comma separated list of field names (e.g. : ‘policyid,date_raw’   record_value false false
hash.charset the charset to use to hash id string (e.g. ‘UTF-8’)   UTF-8 false false
hash.algorithm the algorithme to use to hash id string (e.g. ‘SHA-256’ SHA-384, SHA-224, SHA-256, MD2, SHA, SHA-512, MD5 SHA-256 false false
java.formatter.string the format to use to build id string (e.g. ‘%4$2s %3$2s %2$2s %1$2s’ (see java Formatter)   null false false
language.tag the language to use to format numbers in string aa, ab, ae, af, ak, am, an, ar, as, av, ay, az, ba, be, bg, bh, bi, bm, bn, bo, br, bs, ca, ce, ch, co, cr, cs, cu, cv, cy, da, de, dv, dz, ee, el, en, eo, es, et, eu, fa, ff, fi, fj, fo, fr, fy, ga, gd, gl, gn, gu, gv, ha, he, hi, ho, hr, ht, hu, hy, hz, ia, id, ie, ig, ii, ik, in, io, is, it, iu, iw, ja, ji, jv, ka, kg, ki, kj, kk, kl, km, kn, ko, kr, ks, ku, kv, kw, ky, la, lb, lg, li, ln, lo, lt, lu, lv, mg, mh, mi, mk, ml, mn, mo, mr, ms, mt, my, na, nb, nd, ne, ng, nl, nn, no, nr, nv, ny, oc, oj, om, or, os, pa, pi, pl, ps, pt, qu, rm, rn, ro, ru, rw, sa, sc, sd, se, sg, si, sk, sl, sm, sn, so, sq, sr, ss, st, su, sv, sw, ta, te, tg, th, ti, tk, tl, tn, to, tr, ts, tt, tw, ty, ug, uk, ur, uz, ve, vi, vo, wa, wo, xh, yi, yo, za, zh, zu en false false

Extra informations

modify id of records or generate it following defined rules.


Retrieves a content from datastore using datastore multiget queries. Each incoming record contains information regarding the datastore multiget query that will be performed. This information is stored in record fields whose names are configured in the plugin properties (see below) :

  • collection (String) : name of the datastore collection on which the multiget query will be performed. This field is mandatory and should not be empty, otherwise an error output record is sent for this specific incoming record.
  • type (String) : name of the datastore type on which the multiget query will be performed. This field is not mandatory.
  • ids (String) : comma separated list of document ids to fetch. This field is mandatory and should not be empty, otherwise an error output record is sent for this specific incoming record.
  • includes (String) : comma separated list of patterns to filter in (include) fields to retrieve. Supports wildcards. This field is not mandatory.
  • excludes (String) : comma separated list of patterns to filter out (exclude) fields to retrieve. Supports wildcards. This field is not mandatory.

Each outcoming record holds data of one datastore retrieved document. This data is stored in these fields :

  • collection (same field name as the incoming record) : name of the datastore collection.
  • type (same field name as the incoming record) : name of the datastore type.
  • id (same field name as the incoming record) : retrieved document id.
  • a list of String fields containing :
  • field name : the retrieved field name
  • field value : the retrieved field value






datastore, get, multiget


In the list below, the names of required properties appear in bold. Any other properties (not in bold) are considered optional. The table also indicates any default values.

Name Description Allowable Values Default Value Sensitive EL
datastore.client.service The instance of the Controller Service to use for accessing datastore.   null false false
collection.field the name of the incoming records field containing es collection name to use in multiget query.   null false false
type.field the name of the incoming records field containing es type name to use in multiget query   null false false
ids.field the name of the incoming records field containing es document Ids to use in multiget query   null false false
includes.field the name of the incoming records field containing es includes to use in multiget query   null false false
excludes.field the name of the incoming records field containing es excludes to use in multiget query   null false false

Extra informations

Retrieves a content from datastore using datastore multiget queries. Each incoming record contains information regarding the datastore multiget query that will be performed. This information is stored in record fields whose names are configured in the plugin properties (see below) :

  • collection (String) : name of the datastore collection on which the multiget query will be performed. This field is mandatory and should not be empty, otherwise an error output record is sent for this specific incoming record.
  • type (String) : name of the datastore type on which the multiget query will be performed. This field is not mandatory.
  • ids (String) : comma separated list of document ids to fetch. This field is mandatory and should not be empty, otherwise an error output record is sent for this specific incoming record.
  • includes (String) : comma separated list of patterns to filter in (include) fields to retrieve. Supports wildcards. This field is not mandatory.
  • excludes (String) : comma separated list of patterns to filter out (exclude) fields to retrieve. Supports wildcards. This field is not mandatory.

Each outcoming record holds data of one datastore retrieved document. This data is stored in these fields :

  • collection (same field name as the incoming record) : name of the datastore collection.
  • type (same field name as the incoming record) : name of the datastore type.
  • id (same field name as the incoming record) : retrieved document id.
  • a list of String fields containing :
  • field name : the retrieved field name
  • field value : the retrieved field value


Changes the name of a field according to a provided name mapping…






record, fields, normalizer


In the list below, the names of required properties appear in bold. Any other properties (not in bold) are considered optional. The table also indicates any default values.

Name Description Allowable Values Default Value Sensitive EL
conflict.resolution.policy what to do when a field with the same name already exists ? do_nothing (leave record as it was), overwrite_existing (if field already exist), keep_only_old_field (keep only old field and delete the other), keep_both_fields (creates an alias for the new field) do_nothing false false

Dynamic Properties

Dynamic Properties allow the user to specify both the name and value of a property.

Name Value Description Allowable Values Default Value EL
alternative mapping a comma separated list of possible field name when a field has a name contained in the list it will be renamed with this property field name   null true

Extra informations

Changes the name of a field according to a provided name mapping…


Parse a field made of key=value fields separated by spaces a string like “a=1 b=2 c=3” will add a,b & c fields, respectively with values 1,2 & 3 to the current Record






record, properties, parser


In the list below, the names of required properties appear in bold. Any other properties (not in bold) are considered optional. The table also indicates any default values.

Name Description Allowable Values Default Value Sensitive EL
properties.field the field containing the properties to split and treat   null false false

Extra informations

Parse a field made of key=value fields separated by spaces a string like “a=1 b=2 c=3” will add a,b & c fields, respectively with values 1,2 & 3 to the current Record


Removes a list of fields defined by a comma separated list of field names or keeps only fields defined by a comma separated list of field names.






record, fields, remove, delete, keep


In the list below, the names of required properties appear in bold. Any other properties (not in bold) are considered optional. The table also indicates any default values.

Name Description Allowable Values Default Value Sensitive EL A comma separated list of field names to remove (e.g. ‘policyid,date_raw’). Usage of this property is mutually exclusive with the property. In any case the technical logisland fields record_id, record_time and record_type are not removed even if specified in the list to remove.   null false false A comma separated list of field names to keep (e.g. ‘policyid,date_raw’. All other fields will be removed. Usage of this property is mutually exclusive with the PropertyDescriptor[] property. In any case the technical logisland fields record_id, record_time and record_type are not removed even if not specified in the list to keep.   null false false

Extra informations

Removes a list of fields defined by a comma separated list of field names or keeps only fields defined by a comma separated list of field names.


Keep only distinct records based on a given field






record, fields, remove, delete


In the list below, the names of required properties appear in bold. Any other properties (not in bold) are considered optional. The table also indicates any default values.

Name Description Allowable Values Default Value Sensitive EL the field to distinct records   record_id false false

Extra informations

Keep only distinct records based on a given field.


The SendMail processor is aimed at sending an email (like for instance an alert email) from an incoming record. There are three ways an incoming record can generate an email according to the special fields it must embed. Here is a list of the record fields that generate a mail and how they work:

  • mail_text: this is the simplest way for generating a mail. If present, this field means to use its content (value) as the payload of the mail to send. The mail is sent in text format if there is only this special field in the record. Otherwise, used with either mail_html or mail_use_template, the content of mail_text is the aletrnative text to the HTML mail that is generated.
  • mail_html: this field specifies that the mail should be sent as HTML and the value of the field is mail payload. If mail_text is also present, its value is used as the alternative text for the mail. mail_html cannot be used with mail_use_template: only one of those two fields should be present in the record.
  • mail_use_template: If present, this field specifies that the mail should be sent as HTML and the HTML content is to be generated from the template in the processor configuration key html.template. The template can contain parameters which must also be present in the record as fields. See documentation of html.template for further explanations. mail_use_template cannot be used with mail_html: only one of those two fields should be present in the record.

If allow_overwrite configuration key is true, any mail.* (dot format) configuration key may be overwritten with a matching field in the record of the form mail_* (underscore format). For instance if allow_overwrite is true and is set to, a record generating a mail with a mail_to field set to will send a mail to

Apart from error records (when he is unable to process the incoming record or to send the mail), this processor is not expected to produce any output records.






smtp, email, e-mail, mail, mailer, sendmail, message, alert, html


In the list below, the names of required properties appear in bold. Any other properties (not in bold) are considered optional. The table also indicates any default values.

Name Description Allowable Values Default Value Sensitive EL
debug Enable debug. If enabled, debug information are written to stdout.   false false false
smtp.server FQDN, hostname or IP address of the SMTP server to use.   null false false
smtp.port TCP port number of the SMTP server to use.   25 false false SMTP username.   null false false SMTP password.   null false false Use SSL under SMTP or not (SMTPS). Default is false.   false false false
mail.from.address Valid mail sender email address.   null false false Mail sender name.   null false false
mail.bounce.address Valid bounce email address (where error mail is sent if the mail is refused by the recipient server).   null false false
mail.replyto.address Reply to email address.   null false false
mail.subject Mail subject.   [LOGISLAND] Automatic email false false Comma separated list of email recipients. If not set, the record must have a mail_to field and allow_overwrite configuration key should be true.   null false false
allow_overwrite If true, allows to overwrite processor configuration with special record fields (mail_to, mail_from_address, mail_from_name, mail_bounce_address, mail_replyto_address, mail_subject). If false, special record fields are ignored and only processor configuration keys are used.   true false false
html.template HTML template to use. It is used when the incoming record contains a mail_use_template field. The template may contain some parameters. The parameter format in the template is of the form ${xxx}. For instance ${param_user} in the template means that a field named param_user must be present in the record and its value will replace the ${param_user} string in the HTML template when the mail will be sent. If some parameters are declared in the template, everyone of them must be present in the record as fields, otherwise the record will generate an error record. If an incoming record contains a mail_use_template field, a template must be present in the configuration and the HTML mail format will be used. If the record also contains a mail_text field, its content will be used as an alternative text message to be used in the mail reader program of the recipient if it does not supports HTML.   null false false

Extra informations

The SendMail processor is aimed at sending an email (like for instance an alert email) from an incoming record. There are three ways an incoming record can generate an email according to the special fields it must embed. Here is a list of the record fields that generate a mail and how they work:

  • mail_text: this is the simplest way for generating a mail. If present, this field means to use its content (value) as the payload of the mail to send. The mail is sent in text format if there is only this special field in the record. Otherwise, used with either mail_html or mail_use_template, the content of mail_text is the aletrnative text to the HTML mail that is generated.
  • mail_html: this field specifies that the mail should be sent as HTML and the value of the field is mail payload. If mail_text is also present, its value is used as the alternative text for the mail. mail_html cannot be used with mail_use_template: only one of those two fields should be present in the record.
  • mail_use_template: If present, this field specifies that the mail should be sent as HTML and the HTML content is to be generated from the template in the processor configuration key html.template. The template can contain parameters which must also be present in the record as fields. See documentation of html.template for further explanations. mail_use_template cannot be used with mail_html: only one of those two fields should be present in the record.

If allow_overwrite configuration key is true, any mail.* (dot format) configuration key may be overwritten with a matching field in the record of the form mail_* (underscore format). For instance if allow_overwrite is true and is set to, a record generating a mail with a mail_to field set to will send a mail to

Apart from error records (when he is unable to process the incoming record or to send the mail), this processor is not expected to produce any output records.


The SetJsonAsFields processor reads the content of a string field containing a json string and sets each json attribute as a field of the current record. Note that this could be achieved with the EvaluateJsonPath processor, but this implies to declare each json first level attribute in the configuration and also to know by advance every one of them. Whereas for this simple case, the SetJsonAsFields processor does not require such a configuration and will work with any incoming json, regardless of the list of first level attributes.








In the list below, the names of required properties appear in bold. Any other properties (not in bold) are considered optional. The table also indicates any default values.

Name Description Allowable Values Default Value Sensitive EL
debug Enable debug. If enabled, debug information are written to stdout.   false false false
json.field Field name of the string field that contains the json document to parse.   record_value false false
keep.json.field Keep the original json field or not. Default is false so default is to remove the json field.   false false false
overwrite.existing.field Overwrite an existing record field or not. Default is true so default is to remove the conflicting field.   true false false
omit.null.attributes Omit json attributes with null values. Default is false so to set them as null record fields   false false false
omit.empty.string.attributes Omit json attributes with empty string values. Default is false so to set them as empty string record fields   false false false

Extra informations

The SetJsonAsFields processor reads the content of a string field containing a json string and sets each json attribute as a field of the current record. Note that this could be achieved with the EvaluateJsonPath processor, but this implies to declare each json first level attribute in the configuration and also to know by advance every one of them. Whereas for this simple case, the SetJsonAsFields processor does not require such a configuration and will work with any incoming json, regardless of the list of first level attributes.


This processor is used to create a new set of fields from one field (using split).






parser, split, log, record


In the list below, the names of required properties appear in bold. Any other properties (not in bold) are considered optional. The table also indicates any default values.

Name Description Allowable Values Default Value Sensitive EL
conflict.resolution.policy What to do when a field with the same name already exists ? overwrite_existing (if field already exist), keep_only_old_field (keep only old field) keep_only_old_field false false
split.limit Specify the maximum number of split to allow   10 false false
split.counter.enable Enable the counter of items returned by the split   false false false
split.counter.suffix Enable the counter of items returned by the split   Counter false false

Dynamic Properties

Dynamic Properties allow the user to specify both the name and value of a property.

Name Value Description Allowable Values Default Value EL
alternative split field another split that could match This processor is used to create a new set of fields from one field (using split).   null true

Extra informations

This processor is used to create a new set of fields from one field (using split).


This is a processor that is used to split a String into fields according to a given Record mapping






parser, regex, log, record


In the list below, the names of required properties appear in bold. Any other properties (not in bold) are considered optional. The table also indicates any default values.

Name Description Allowable Values Default Value Sensitive EL
value.regex the regex to match for the message value   null false false
value.fields a comma separated list of fields corresponding to matching groups for the message value   null false false
key.regex the regex to match for the message key   .* false false
key.fields a comma separated list of fields corresponding to matching groups for the message key   record_key false false
record.type default type of record   record false false
keep.raw.content do we add the initial raw content ?   true false false
timezone.record.time what is the time zone of the string formatted date for ‘record_time’ field.   UTC false false

Dynamic Properties

Dynamic Properties allow the user to specify both the name and value of a property.

Name Value Description Allowable Values Default Value EL
alternative regex & mapping another regex that could match this regex will be tried if the main one has not matched. It must be in the form alt.value.regex.1 and alt.value.fields.1   null true

Extra informations

This is a processor that is used to split a String into fields according to a given Record mapping.


No description provided.








In the list below, the names of required properties appear in bold. Any other properties (not in bold) are considered optional. The table also indicates any default values.

Name Description Allowable Values Default Value Sensitive EL
regex the regex to match   null false false
fields a comma separated list of fields corresponding to matching groups   null false false
event.type the type of event   null false false

Extra informations

No description provided.


This is a processor that is used to split a String into fields according to a given Record mapping






parser, regex, log, record


In the list below, the names of required properties appear in bold. Any other properties (not in bold) are considered optional. The table also indicates any default values.

Name Description Allowable Values Default Value Sensitive EL
value.regex the regex to match for the message value   null false false
value.fields a comma separated list of fields corresponding to matching groups for the message value   null false false
key.regex the regex to match for the message key   .* false false
key.fields a comma separated list of fields corresponding to matching groups for the message key   record_key false false
record.type default type of record   record false false
keep.raw.content do we add the initial raw content ?   true false false
properties.field the field containing the properties to split and treat   properties false false

Dynamic Properties

Dynamic Properties allow the user to specify both the name and value of a property.

Name Value Description Allowable Values Default Value EL
alternative regex & mapping another regex that could match this regex will be tried if the main one has not matched. It must be in the form alt.value.regex.1 and alt.value.fields.1   null true

Extra informations

This is a processor that is used to split a String into fields according to a given Record mapping.