Extract Records from Excel File

In the following getting started tutorial we’ll drive you through the process of extracting data from any Excel file with LogIsland platform.

Both XLSX and old XLS file format are supported.


Be sure to know of to launch a logisland Docker environment by reading the prerequisites section

Note, it is possible to store data in different datastores. In this tutorial, we will see the case of ElasticSearch only.

1.Install required components

For this tutorial please make sure to already have installed elasticsearch and excel modules. If not you can just do it through the componentes.sh command line:

bin/components.sh -i com.hurence.logisland:logisland-processor-elasticsearch:1.1.1

bin/components.sh -i com.hurence.logisland:logisland-service-elasticsearch_5_4_0-client:1.1.1

bin/components.sh -i com.hurence.logisland:logisland-processor-excel:1.1.1

2. Logisland job setup

The logisland job for this tutorial is already packaged in the tar.gz assembly and you can find it here for ElasticSearch :

docker exec -i -t logisland vim conf/index-excel-spreadsheet.yml

We will start by explaining each part of the config file.

An Engine is needed to handle the stream processing. This conf/extract-excel-data.yml configuration file defines a stream processing job setup. The first section configures the Spark engine (we will use a KafkaStreamProcessingEngine) to run in local mode with 2 cpu cores and 2G of RAM.

component: com.hurence.logisland.engine.spark.KafkaStreamProcessingEngine
type: engine
documentation: Index records of an excel file with LogIsland
  spark.app.name: IndexExcelDemo
  spark.master: local[4]
  spark.driver.memory: 1G
  spark.driver.cores: 1
  spark.executor.memory: 2G
  spark.executor.instances: 4
  spark.executor.cores: 2
  spark.yarn.queue: default
  spark.yarn.maxAppAttempts: 4
  spark.yarn.am.attemptFailuresValidityInterval: 1h
  spark.yarn.max.executor.failures: 20
  spark.yarn.executor.failuresValidityInterval: 1h
  spark.task.maxFailures: 8
  spark.serializer: org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer
  spark.streaming.batchDuration: 1000
  spark.streaming.backpressure.enabled: false
  spark.streaming.unpersist: false
  spark.streaming.blockInterval: 500
  spark.streaming.kafka.maxRatePerPartition: 3000
  spark.streaming.timeout: -1
  spark.streaming.unpersist: false
  spark.streaming.kafka.maxRetries: 3
  spark.streaming.ui.retainedBatches: 200
  spark.streaming.receiver.writeAheadLog.enable: false
  spark.ui.port: 4050

The controllerServiceConfigurations part is here to define all services that be shared by processors within the whole job, here an Elasticsearch service that will be used later in the BulkAddElasticsearch processor.

- controllerService: elasticsearch_service
  component: com.hurence.logisland.service.elasticsearch.Elasticsearch_5_4_0_ClientService
  type: service
  documentation: elasticsearch service
    hosts: sandbox:9300
    cluster.name: es-logisland
    batch.size: 5000

Inside this engine you will run a Kafka stream of processing, so we setup input/output topics and Kafka/Zookeeper hosts. Here the stream will read all the logs sent in logisland_raw topic and push the processing output into logisland_events topic.

We can define some serializers to marshall all records from and to a topic. We assume that the stream will be serializing the input file as a byte array in a single record. Reason why we will use a ByteArraySerialiser in the configuration below.

# main processing stream
- stream: parsing_stream
  component: com.hurence.logisland.stream.spark.KafkaRecordStreamParallelProcessing
  type: stream
  documentation: a processor that converts raw excel file content into structured log records
    kafka.input.topics: logisland_raw
    kafka.output.topics: logisland_events
    kafka.error.topics: logisland_errors
    kafka.input.topics.serializer: com.hurence.logisland.serializer.BytesArraySerializer
    kafka.output.topics.serializer: com.hurence.logisland.serializer.KryoSerializer
    kafka.error.topics.serializer: com.hurence.logisland.serializer.JsonSerializer
    kafka.metadata.broker.list: sandbox:9092
    kafka.zookeeper.quorum: sandbox:2181
    kafka.topic.autoCreate: true
    kafka.topic.default.partitions: 4
    kafka.topic.default.replicationFactor: 1

Within this stream, an ExcelExtract processor takes a byte array excel file content and computes a list of Record.

# parse excel cells into records
    - processor: excel_parser
      component: com.hurence.logisland.processor.excel.ExcelExtract
      type: parser
      documentation: a parser that produce events from an excel file
        record.type: excel_record
        skip.rows: 1
        field.names: segment,country,product,discount_band,units_sold,manufacturing,sale_price,gross_sales,discounts,sales,cogs,profit,record_time,month_number,month_name,year

This stream will process log entries as soon as they will be queued into logisland_raw Kafka topics, each log will be parsed as an event which will be pushed back to Kafka in the logisland_events topic.


Please note that we are mapping the excel column Date to be the timestamp of the produced record (record_time field) in order to use this as time reference in elasticsearch/kibana (see below).

The second processor will handle Records produced by the ExcelExtract to index them into elasticsearch

# add to elasticsearch
- processor: es_publisher
  component: com.hurence.logisland.processor.elasticsearch.BulkAddElasticsearch
  type: processor
  documentation: a processor that trace the processed events
    elasticsearch.client.service: elasticsearch_service
    default.index: logisland
    default.type: event
    timebased.index: yesterday
    es.index.field: search_index
    es.type.field: record_type

3. Launch the script

For this tutorial we will handle an excel file. We will process it with an ExcelExtract that will produce a bunch of Records and we’ll send them to Elastiscearch Connect a shell to your logisland container to launch the following streaming jobs.

For ElasticSearch :

docker exec -i -t logisland bin/logisland.sh --conf conf/index-excel-spreadsheet.yml

4. Inject an excel file into the system

Now we’re going to send a file to logisland_raw Kafka topic.

For testing purposes, we will use kafkacat, a generic command line non-JVM Apache Kafka producer and consumer which can be easily installed.


Sending raw files through kafka is not recommended for production use since kafka is designed for high throughput and not big message size.

The configuration above is suited to work with the example file Financial Sample.xlsx.

Let’s send this file in a single message to LogIsland with kafkacat to logisland_raw Kafka topic

kafkacat -P -t logisland_raw -v -b sandbox:9092 ./Financial\ Sample.xlsx

5. Inspect the logs


With ElasticSearch, you can use Kibana.

Open up your browser and go to http://sandbox:5601/ and you should be able to explore your excel records.

Configure a new index pattern with logisland.* as the pattern name and @timestamp as the time value field.


Then if you go to Explore panel for the latest 5 years time window. You are now able to play with the indexed data.


Thanks logisland! :-)